Tuesday 10 June 2014

My final word

Final Word

Coming up towards the end of my college year I have reviewed my blog and would like to explain why I have chosen these artists and tell you about the artistic styles I have adapted over the year.
I first started my art in a more fine art style and would like everything in my piece (whether it be graffiti, photoshop or portraiture) to be perfect and tidy. As I learn more about art culture I become more open minded to different ideas and styles of art, I also came to realise that as an artist I always tried to make my work too perfect and would spend too much time on one piece and this would hold me back on other projects. 
I begun to be more expressive in my art work and I'm looking at different styles and using varied mediums now too. I used to always use graphite pencil and never attempt to use anything else other than this, probably because I was weary of how it would turn out.  As I get more confident by doing more art I have become more attracted to different styles and types of mediums. I have also started to take reference from  many different artists and their styles.

I would some day like to be as infamous as Banksy or as respected as Andy Warhol.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Banksy re-creation, fuck life!

This is a re-creation of a banksy piece which I have minipulated slightly
Here is how I done it
I started with the origonal banksy piece and brought it onto photoshop.

I then started with a black canvas with the opacity reduced to about 35.

I then went round the outside of the image  with the paint brush tool and filled in the spaces with the paint bucket.

Then I put the mark of where he had a stab mark using the custom shape tool and then the paint brush


I then put the text in and fitted it to the image and its finished, I have re-worded the slogan which originally was "Choose life not a knife" which sends the opposite message!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Banksy elephant, I want change

Banksy recreation
This is my recreation of a banksy piece called, Elephant in a room.
This image was created on photoshop by reducing the opacity of the image and then going around the outside of the elephant image with the magnetic lasso tool, I then filled in the space with the paint bucket tool and then drew in the eye and black line creases of  the trunk and to give the form on an ear, I done this with the paint brush tool. Then I used the custom shape tool to put in the toes, lastly I used the custom shape tool to make the patterns on the elephants body.
This is another re-creation of a banksy piece which is origonally done in stencil form.
I re-created it on photoshop.

 This is the origonal image with the opacity reduced to around 30.
 Then I started to put the background colour in on a blank white canvas with the paint bucket tool.
 I then started to build my wall image by using the paint brush tool although I think it would have worked a lot better if I had used the line tool as it would have gave me much staighter lines.
 I then started to re-create the stencil using the paint brush tool and filled in the space of the board and the cup using the paint bucket tool.
I then put the text in and the white outlines for his skin and the creases of his clothes to give it depth.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Andy Warhol Pop Art replica

Replica of Andy Warhol Pop Art
Muhamad Ali

This is the start of my Andy Warhol replica. I started by drawing it it pencil on layout paper, hoping the layout paper would stop the pen bleeding across the page, I then went over it in black sharpie marker.

I started to add shade to the piece, which makes it achromatic. The layout paper did stop the pen bleeding over the page.

After adding in the rest of the shade, This is my final piece.

I then tried the same style on a piece of newspaper which I thought worked well although the pen did bleed across the page.

This is the image turned over, as you can see the black pen has seeped through to the other side which gives it a very good effect and is completely semetrical to the other image.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Art Work Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol
This is perhaps one of Andy Warhols most famous pieces of art. When he created it everyone in the world knew what Campbells Soup was and most people still do as they are still in supermarkets today. Warhol used silk screen printing for this piece. Strong colours and branding make this an iconic piece of art.

Andy Warhol was renowned for creating great art from celebrities faces, his most well known piece in this style is probably his work of Marilyn Munro. Again he used silk screen printing for this piece. This technique allowed him to change colours effortlessly and produce a lot of prints in a short space of time, meaning he could flood the market with his art work at a low cost. The colours in this piece work well together and he has given the image her iconic blonde hair, although it is lemon yellow here. This image is recognised, viewed  and replicated all around the world.

Another of Andy Warhol's famous art works could be the one of the Beatles, shown below. The Beatles were a very iconic and admired symbol of their time, which would make me believe that he did use their images in some of his work. The reason I say that it is only a possiblity is because I can't say for sure, I googled it but don't believe everything you see on google!

There are many other Warhol pieces like this one as he liked to create images of famous people. I have come to adapt this style in a way for my own exploratory work.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Pop art/ Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

The Pop Art movement began in the 1950's in the UK. Andy Warhol was an American artist who was born in 1928, he became a leading figure in Pop Art in the USA. His work explores the relationship between celebrity culture and advertisement, this is something most of us can relate to and recognize- me included.
Warhol was a controversial but highly skilled artist and illustrator. His work is so highly thought of there is even a museum dedicated to his work only, in fact it is the only one of its kind on this scale. It is not widely known that Warhol was dyslexic, I believe this could have made him more expressive in his art work.
His interest in everyday culture and celebrities is obvious in all his work, lets face it who else painted or paints soup tins. Although it is believed that a galleryist called Muriel Latow who actually came up with the subject matter. This earned her a sweet £50,000, although that's nothing when you consider the millions made from those prints over the years! Andy  warhol died in his sleep whilst recovering from gallbladder surgery - not very rock and roll!

More info on Banksy


Banksy is a graffiti artist fromEngland, he is also a political activist, film director on painter. He has a distinctive stenciling technique which usually consists of dark humour, anti establishment, anti war and anti capitalism.
Banksy came up through the Bristol underground scene which involved collaberations from musiciansand artists. It is believed that banksy was born in 1974 and was raised in Bristol, England. He displayed his work on public surfaces such as walls, he sometimes uses structures that are already present like power boxes and lamp posts.
Banksy went on to make a film/documentry called 'Exit through the gift shop', it was classed as the worlds first street art disaster movie, it made its debut in the 2010 sundance film festival an was later nominated for the academy award for 'best documentry'.
Banksy began as a freehand graffiti artist in 1990 - 1994 as part of the Bristol underground group called DryBreadz Crew. He used stencils as elements of his freehand graffiti, he turned to stenciling in 200 after realizing how much easier and faster it was to complete the piece. He claims he changed to stenciling after he was hiding from the police under a dustbin and saw a stenciled number on the bottom of it.
Banksys work usually featured striking and humorous images occasionally combined with slogans. Banksy has had many exhibitions for his art work, his first being on the 19th June 2011 in Los Angeles, he went on to have many more exhibitions and sell lots of his work, sometimes for hundreds of thousands. Still no one knows his real identiry!

My favorite Banksy art work so far

Banksy's Work
I love simple stenciling work like this as he uses structures and objects that are already present, Banksy has used his usual stenciling technique for this piece. All the small detail he puts in gives you all the information about the piece you need, they are two Japanese geisha  girls meeting on what looks like a typical arched bridge you would find in Japan. He also puts a bonsai tree in the image as well to give you more of an idea of where it is meant to be, the umbrella and the bustle on the back of the kimono are also a give away though.
Banksy very rarely uses colour  in his graffiti work and this piece is no different, but by using the surrounding structures and putting enough detail in his stencil you can easily make out the image; Banksy's signature style.
This is a stenciled image of Banksy himself throwing a bouquet of flowers. This is perhaps one of his most famous or infamous pieces, there have been a lot of re-makes of this image with Banksy throwing different objects but this is the original piece. As you would expect he has stuck to his effective stencil technique. To me this piece is saying something like take your apology/thank you back, as a bouquet of flowers is what you give someone if your trying to apologise or saying thank you. Yet again Banksy uses only black. 
I really liked this piece from Banksy as at the first glance of it I thought 'ok a beggar in the street, nothing much too look at' but as I looked closer I realised it's not as simple as I first thought. The man in the picture is not a beggar and is not homeless he is simply trying to get a message across, that message being he doesn't need coins; money he wants change; change in society. This is a very effective way of catching peoples attention and drawing them to look at the art and think about it. I like the way he has used an image that most of us probably see almost everyday (beggar) and manipulated the image using meaningful words, which gives it a kind of double effect.
This is a painting done by Banksy which is meant to be a football hooligan smashing a cafe window with a deck chair. I'm not too sure what the message behind the image is but the people in the cafe don't look very frightened by his actions. After a bit of research I found out that this is a re-make of an Edward Hopper piece called NightHawks and Banksy has manipulated it and given it a more urban feel. I think this shows that Banksy is very capable of doing a realistic life painting on a large scale, it seems there is no end to his talents.


This is my blog about graffiti art. I have always had a strong interest in graffiti art ever since I was a young boy, I remember being on a bus in Glasgow when I was about ten years old and looking out the window (as childern uasually do on buses) and seeing an image of a police officer spray painted on an old abandoned block of flats and thinking 'That would be great to be able to do amazing works of art like that, and everyone would see it'. Ever since then I had been doodling on my maths jotters and creating small pictures, most of them graffiti related, therefor it is one of my goals in life to become a graffiti artist!
These art a couple of images I liked

This is a canvas made by a very infamous graffiti artist called Banksy, most of  Banksy's work is anti establishment and poverty related, I am a big fan of his work and the messages behind most of them and this is on artist who has inspired me.

This is a extremely well put together pice of art and I think is one of the best graffiti arts in Glasgow!

Banksy short biography

Graffiti Artist
Banksy first started out as a freehand graffiti artist in 1990 as part of a crew called 'DryBreadz' with two other artists called Kato and Tes. Banksy then went on to work with a bigger Bristol based underground scene as that is where banksy was from, I think. He began working with a photographer called Steve Lazarides who then went on to become Banksys agent. From the beginning Banksy used stenciling as part of his freehand pieces. He turned to the art of stenciling after realizing how much easier it was and how faster it was to complete his work, Banksy claims that he came to realize this when he was hiding from the police under a rubbish lorry and seeing a number stenciled on the bottom of it. By adopting this technique he then went on to become more widely known over Bristol and London, due the difference and speed at which he could work.

Banksy used very striking images which usually contain messages such as anti-war, anti-establishment and anti-capitalism, his images also sometimes contain slogans, some humorous and strong views.
Banksy had his first Art exhibition in LA in 1992, his next was called Turf War which was held in a warehouse in .

Since then Banksy has become the most famous Graffiti Artist to date and has sold artworks for up to $300,000 and has works all over the world.

Banksy has been very careful about giving his true identity but it is believed that his real name if in fact Robert or Robin Banks although no one really knows for certain.  It is probably best that no one knows his real identity otherwise he would be given a heavy jail sentence and sued for all his money.

Here are a few of banksy's small canvas works where he has used stencils 
 This was all Banksys original work and the sales person who had these at his stall had no clue of the potential value of these pieces.
People bought these artworks for more or less penny's

 This was a real elephant that he painted as wallpaper.

This is so true, there are at least one cctv camera for every fourteen people in Britain.

I like art pieces like this one which are simple and have good meaning. thisis a young boy holding a sign saying 'Society gets the vandalism it deserves' which I think is very accurate.