Tuesday 25 March 2014

Andy Warhol Pop Art replica

Replica of Andy Warhol Pop Art
Muhamad Ali

This is the start of my Andy Warhol replica. I started by drawing it it pencil on layout paper, hoping the layout paper would stop the pen bleeding across the page, I then went over it in black sharpie marker.

I started to add shade to the piece, which makes it achromatic. The layout paper did stop the pen bleeding over the page.

After adding in the rest of the shade, This is my final piece.

I then tried the same style on a piece of newspaper which I thought worked well although the pen did bleed across the page.

This is the image turned over, as you can see the black pen has seeped through to the other side which gives it a very good effect and is completely semetrical to the other image.

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