Tuesday 11 March 2014

My favorite Banksy art work so far

Banksy's Work
I love simple stenciling work like this as he uses structures and objects that are already present, Banksy has used his usual stenciling technique for this piece. All the small detail he puts in gives you all the information about the piece you need, they are two Japanese geisha  girls meeting on what looks like a typical arched bridge you would find in Japan. He also puts a bonsai tree in the image as well to give you more of an idea of where it is meant to be, the umbrella and the bustle on the back of the kimono are also a give away though.
Banksy very rarely uses colour  in his graffiti work and this piece is no different, but by using the surrounding structures and putting enough detail in his stencil you can easily make out the image; Banksy's signature style.
This is a stenciled image of Banksy himself throwing a bouquet of flowers. This is perhaps one of his most famous or infamous pieces, there have been a lot of re-makes of this image with Banksy throwing different objects but this is the original piece. As you would expect he has stuck to his effective stencil technique. To me this piece is saying something like take your apology/thank you back, as a bouquet of flowers is what you give someone if your trying to apologise or saying thank you. Yet again Banksy uses only black. 
I really liked this piece from Banksy as at the first glance of it I thought 'ok a beggar in the street, nothing much too look at' but as I looked closer I realised it's not as simple as I first thought. The man in the picture is not a beggar and is not homeless he is simply trying to get a message across, that message being he doesn't need coins; money he wants change; change in society. This is a very effective way of catching peoples attention and drawing them to look at the art and think about it. I like the way he has used an image that most of us probably see almost everyday (beggar) and manipulated the image using meaningful words, which gives it a kind of double effect.
This is a painting done by Banksy which is meant to be a football hooligan smashing a cafe window with a deck chair. I'm not too sure what the message behind the image is but the people in the cafe don't look very frightened by his actions. After a bit of research I found out that this is a re-make of an Edward Hopper piece called NightHawks and Banksy has manipulated it and given it a more urban feel. I think this shows that Banksy is very capable of doing a realistic life painting on a large scale, it seems there is no end to his talents.

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