Tuesday 11 March 2014

Pop art/ Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

The Pop Art movement began in the 1950's in the UK. Andy Warhol was an American artist who was born in 1928, he became a leading figure in Pop Art in the USA. His work explores the relationship between celebrity culture and advertisement, this is something most of us can relate to and recognize- me included.
Warhol was a controversial but highly skilled artist and illustrator. His work is so highly thought of there is even a museum dedicated to his work only, in fact it is the only one of its kind on this scale. It is not widely known that Warhol was dyslexic, I believe this could have made him more expressive in his art work.
His interest in everyday culture and celebrities is obvious in all his work, lets face it who else painted or paints soup tins. Although it is believed that a galleryist called Muriel Latow who actually came up with the subject matter. This earned her a sweet £50,000, although that's nothing when you consider the millions made from those prints over the years! Andy  warhol died in his sleep whilst recovering from gallbladder surgery - not very rock and roll!

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